Posts Tagged ‘assessment’
Australia still a global laggard in talent practices: Netherlands #1
LinkedIn and PWC have recently trumpeted that Australia is the world’s worst country for effective white collar recruitment and retention practices due to 23% of new hires quitting their job within 12 months of starting. Our closest cultural cousins, the USA and the UK, were far better with 15% and 12% respectively. This information is taken from research undertaken…
Read MoreGut feeling, evidence and the Moneyball effect: Lessons from ATC 2012
The impact of a conference speaker at the modern day recruitment conference can be quickly gauged by a few tell-tale signs. The high impact speaker will generate a flurry of tweets comprising, invariably, positive feedback from the listener, quotes from the said speaker and then agreement, debate and retweets from others following the conference twitter…
Read MoreThe Recruiters’ Guide to the Future: 9 areas to watch
Predicting the future is an inherently risky and fraught business. For example, who would have predicted that Keith Richards would still be alive at 67 years of age? Videos and DVDs didn’t kill cinemas, as they were predicted to do. Instead they helped fuel greater demand and innovation in movie making and movie…
Read MoreThe Resume – what future?
Over the summer holidays I tidied out a few cupboards and in doing so I found an old scrapbook that I started putting together about 30 years ago. It contained an array of reminders from my (mostly) forgotten youth, ranging from: • cricket reports (‘…Clennett top scored with a fine 75′) …
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