Posts Tagged ‘Australian labour force stats’
I’m calling it – the job market is back
The mainstream media are full of big job loss stories such as Alcoa, QANTAS and Toyota but out there in the SME sector, where the economy’s engine really hums, there’s signs of life. I have been speaking to a lot of recruitment agency owners over the past 6 weeks and almost without exception they…
Read MoreWorkers more loyal than ever (and other surprises about job tenure and mobility)
Three of the most written-about themes in the Australian labour market over the past few years have been the skills shortage (ie we can’t find enough of the right staff), the booming mining and resources sector (ie sucking workers out of other sectors) and the impact of Gen Y in the workforce (ie what…
Read MoreNew Zealand migration: Across the Tasman they still come
Is Australia in danger of being overrun by a tidal wave of New Zealanders? Recent data from both Statistics New Zealand and the ABS would indicate that Australia appears to be the pot of gold shining brightly at the end of the rainbow that hovers over the Tasman Sea. Consider: The net…
Read MoreGuess which state has added the most jobs in Australia?
Western Australia gains more than its fair share of publicity whenever skills shortages are mentioned. As I wrote about last week in InSight #190, the WA Employment Minister has been on a jobs road show in Ireland and the UK, heavily promoting the vast numbers of new workers that the WA economy, fuelled by the…
Read MoreAustralia’s employment growth powers onwards and upwards
In case we needed any confirmation that the Australian economy was powering along, the release of the March ABS labour force data confirmed it. These are the March results (ABS catalogue 6202.0) for each of the past five years: What do you notice? The most significant change is the huge increase…
Read MoreAgencies are far from dead: 2010 in review
Yes, I am pleased to confirm that the Australian recruitment agency sector, after a near-death experience in late 2008 and early 2009, is alive and well. Reports of the industry’s irrelevance were proven to be well off the mark as growth and profitability rebounded strongly in 2010. That doesn’t mean it was a year…
Read MoreSkilled Migration – where are we at?
Recently, international professional services firm, KPMG , released the results of their survey into skilled migration (Class 457 Visas) in Australia. These survey results, combined with recent data releases from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) make for interesting reading. I’ve reproduced the most relevant data below: 1. There…
Read MoreConfronting ageism: The next recruiter challenge
The issue of ageism is one of the elephants in the room for the recruitment industry. I first wrote about the relevance of age with respect to work three years ago, in InSight Issue #6, prompted by the release of the long awaited (for fans anyway) comeback album from veteran 1970s rockers, the Eagles. Ageism…
Read MoreMore stats on the employment relationship between NZ and Australia
Three months ago I wrote about the huge benefit that Australia gains from having New Zealand as a neighbour, providing an unrestricted and constant flow of labour into the Australian economy. Recently the NZ Department of Labour (Te Tari Mahi) released an Employment Briefing Paper on Trans-Tasman migration which is helpful in…
Read MoreFifteen things about the Australian job market you probably didn’t know: 2010 update
In InSight Issue 82 (20 May, 2009), I wrote about the various interesting labour market facts that I had discovered in reading the DEEWR publication, Australian Jobs 2008 . Earlier this month, the most recent edition, Australian Jobs 2010 was released, so I thought it was opportune to provide an updated list…
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