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‘Objection! Leading the witness! ‘Objection! Speculation!’ ‘Objection! Relevance?’ These lines are classic courtroom interjections I have heard in movie and TV dramas for as long as I can remember. It’s all designed to create greater dramatic tension. How true is it all to real life in a US courtroom? I don’t know, as I have…

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Recently I read about the Victorian Equal Opportunity Commission’s employment-based complaints from potential employees relating to perceived appearance-based discrimination. In the past five years there have been 107 complaints about discrimination based on obesity, 96 complaints about being too ugly or blonde and 22 for tattoos or piercings, to name just three specific discriminatory categories. My first…

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Prompted by my lead article last week, Sydney-based executive recruiter John Colebatch contacted me to share a few amusing reminisces from his 24 years as a recruiter (John started his recruitment career in 1989, four months after I started mine). Included in his stories was a link to an article he wrote three years ago…

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There is a distinct difference between interviewing a candidate who has a formal leadership role and those candidates who do not. When a candidate has reached a position of formal leadership, their technical skills become relatively less important to their ongoing success. The critical factor that has the candidate consistently deliver high performance in a…

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  I was very fortunate in  having my formative years as a recruiter within both Hays in the UK (then called Accountancy Personnel) and subsequently Recruitment Solutions.   As with many situations, sometimes it’s only with the benefit of hindsight that I truly appreciated what I had gained.   As much as skills development is…

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