Posts Tagged ‘learning and development’
Interview with 2016 SARA (NZ) Recruiter of the Year: Alex Allan of Randstad
Following on from my interview last week with New Zealand SARA winner of the Recruitment Leader of the Year, Randstad’s Brien Keegan, this week I speak to his colleague, Alex Allan who won the New Zealand SARA for Recruitment Consultant of the Year. Originally from the UK, Alex started his working life in professional sport before leaving the UK…
Read MoreInterview with 2016 SARA Recruiter of the Year: Clare McCartin of Davidson
When I moved from Sydney to Melbourne in 2001, I joined SACS Consulting under the leadership of Andrew Marty.Early the following year Andrew hired three fresh-faced graduates to join the team. One of those graduates quickly stood out as being smarter, quicker to learn and more suited to the challenges of recruitment than the other two. Andrew quickly…
Read MoreWant a high performance team? Then don’t aspire to team harmony
Last Friday I attended a fundraiser for RUOK?. The morning comprised of twenty minute presentations from each of the 8 excellent presenters, skillfully welcomed and thanked by MC, Glenn Capelli. Among the speakers was Rachael Robertson who I was familiar with from her humourous and inspiring closing keynote Leading on the Edge at the 2015 RCSA PEARL Consultant Forum, held at Crown,…
Read MoreAdvice from my father: Learn new things
Dad was always cutting out articles of interest, reading books and attending classes. He loved to learn and I am sure his commitment to ongoing education helped him live as long as he did. One of the articles he read contained the following list that he transcribed and kept in his daily view: …
Read MoreWhy crap interviewers don’t know they are crap
Most people who conduct recruitment interviews have never been trained in how to interview effectively. Yet this lack of training doesn’t stop these interviewers from believing that they have good interview skills and don’t need any training. It’s called confirmation bias eg ‘I hired Gavin and he turned out to be a winner’. A view…
Read MoreCompetence drives confidence
When have you been most confident at work, in any job? I strongly suspect it was when you had a high level of competence in that job. I recently had reason to recall the start of my recruitment career, in London twenty-five years ago. I was twenty-two years old. I was working in an office…
Read MoreAustralia still a global laggard in talent practices: Netherlands #1
LinkedIn and PWC have recently trumpeted that Australia is the world’s worst country for effective white collar recruitment and retention practices due to 23% of new hires quitting their job within 12 months of starting. Our closest cultural cousins, the USA and the UK, were far better with 15% and 12% respectively. This information is taken from research undertaken…
Read MoreTeam leader communication: How nothing has changed in 25 years
I have read a lot of books on leadership. I have attended many leadership training sessions or keynote speeches. I have facilitated many hundreds of leadership training and coaching sessions. Given all that education and experience, I am sure you will not be surprised to hear that the consistent message across all of the leadership…
Read MoreLearning and development: the Netflix way
In sorting out a few bits of filing over the break I came across the Netflix Reference Guide on our Freedom & Responsibility Culture which is worth wading through (all 126 slides of it) to really grasp what drives their culture. As it is my first blog/article of the year, I though a nice short selection of…
Read MoreWhere in the business development process is your consultant underperforming?
The failure of our industry to enhance its reputation will continue for as long as we have a high rate of staff turnover. How seriously can we be taken if (as RCSA data suggests) we struggle with annual staff turnover that is consistently between thirty and fifty per cent? This is a…
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