Posts Tagged ‘behavioural interview questions’
Interview questions to avoid and what to ask instead
Eight years ago I wrote this blog about interviewing. At the time (28 May 2008) it was my third blog about interviewing in eight months of blogging. In the 96 months since I have written an additional 30 blogs about interviewing and assessment. After eight years I had hoped that I could have reported an…
Read MoreCEO recruitment is broken and no solution in sight
Continuing my search to understand what underlies the decision making mistakes made by boards of large companies, I turned to the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD), the preeminent educational body for public, private, and not-for-profit company directors in Australia. I collected a copy of the AICD Professional Development Handbook (July 2014 to June 2015)…
Read MoreWhat a Nobel prize-winning economist discovers about interviewing
Last week I recommended Daniel Kahneman’s fantastic book on decision making; Thinking, Fast and Slow. Kahneman won his Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his seminal work in psychology that challenged the rational model of judgment and decision making. In summary, Kahneman’s book explains the two systems that drive the way we think. System 1 is…
Read MoreAre you interviewing a leader or a bureaucrat?
There is a distinct difference between interviewing a candidate who has a formal leadership role and those candidates who do not. When a candidate has reached a position of formal leadership, their technical skills become relatively less important to their ongoing success. The critical factor that has the candidate consistently deliver high performance in a…
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