Posts Tagged ‘Greg Savage’
Optimism: Our industry’s greatest attribute and greatest weakness
Things are rocking right now. It’s clear from the conversations I’ve had with many people in the recruitment industry since the beginning of the year that the market is moving at Usain Bolt-like speed. Agencies are reporting record levels of job registrations and the subsequent placements are leading to healthy bottom line results. The other…
Read MoreWhat I learned from Australia’s most provocative recruitment blogger of 2016
If you are reading this blog I suspect you read other recruitment blogs on a reasonably regular basis, via a subscription service or your LinkedIn feed or some other method. Given your knowledge of the recruitment blogosphere take a guess who in Australia published the most provocative recruitment blog of 2016, as measured by…
Read MoreFacebook jobs: a massive win for genuine recruitment consultants
Last week we saw the official confirmation of what has been an open secret for some years: Job postings on Facebook. LinkedIn’s dominance in the corporate recruiting world has been unchallenged due its unmatched depth of high skill professionals available on its platform. The price of the not-free LinkedIn recruitment offerings has made it clear that large enterprises recruiting…
Read MoreThe 5 most influential people in the recruitment industry in the past 60 years
To coincide with the 60th anniversary of the founding of one of Australia’s pioneering recruitment agencies, Centacom, I selected over one hundred people from the Australian recruitment industry and asked them to nominate the most (up to 10) influential people (based on their subjective view) from our industry over the past sixty years. I asked…
Read MoreHow probation should be assessed
Last week Greg Savage spoke at the RCSA 2015 International Conference on the topic of ‘The DNA of the Recruiter of the Future‘. Greg finished with two key messages: Always be hiring The people with the best people will win. Do you have the best people? I agree strongly with both of these points. The…
Read MoreFocus: Your future depends on it
Twenty four years’ ago I was in my fourth month of employment at Temporary Solutions in Sydney. I was an accounting temp consultant. Unemployment (7.9%) was continuing to rise, eventually peaking at 11.2% in November 1992. The market was tough. Jobs were hard to come by and good candidates were plentiful. One of the few…
Read MoreWe’re only just getting started: 10 years of people2people
Twenty two years ago I met Mark Smith when he joined my Recruitment Solutions Sydney temporary accounting team after deciding that a career as a Big 6 (now 4) auditor wasn’t for him. Shortly afterwards, ex-CBA Account Manager, Simon Gressier joined the permanent accounting team and a couple of months after that another bored accountant,…
Read MoreThe F Word: To use or not to use?
This week I was alerted (thanks George) to this job ad for an Auckland-based VP of Global Marketing for a technology company called Vend. The second paragraph opens as follows: It’s also a f***ing great place to work, with a global team of 200+ smart, driven, creative people working in cities like Auckland, Melbourne, San Francisco, Toronto, London…
Read MoreRed Flashing Lights: How you know when profitability is about to sink
After last week’s blog on the Australian publicly listed recruitment companies that have departed the boards of the ASX, I received a few emails from readers asking me follow up questions about the decline in fortunes of such formerly successful companies. Such questions as: How do such, formerly successful, companies become so unprofitable in a relatively short…
Read MoreASX-listed recruitment companies: Going, going, gone
Four weeks ago giant Japanese recruiter, Recruit, concurrently announced agreements to purchase both peoplebank and Chandler Macleod. As the respective boards of both companies are recommending that shareholders accept the bid, and with no alternative bid likely, both companies will soon be fully owned by Japanese investors. John C Plummer will pocket just under AUD$39 million for his…
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