Posts Tagged ‘profitability’
Optimism: Our industry’s greatest attribute and greatest weakness
Things are rocking right now. It’s clear from the conversations I’ve had with many people in the recruitment industry since the beginning of the year that the market is moving at Usain Bolt-like speed. Agencies are reporting record levels of job registrations and the subsequent placements are leading to healthy bottom line results. The other…
Read MoreIs charging temps/contractors a ‘payroll admin fee’ a new low for our industry?
I seem to be very late to the story on this one. Early last year, people2people Shared Services Manager, Lisa Johnson had this issue raised with her in the comments section of her people2people blog Is your recruiter ripping you off? and subsequently Lisa wrote a follow up blog later in the year Who Wins When a Recruitment Agency Charges…
Read MoreHays: Still a force but Japanese invaders pose new threat
Last week I wrote about the recognition Hays Australia recently received as a top performing business (using the measure of return on shareholders’ funds). This week I have a closer look at the trends of the local Hays business over the past five years. The information I have listed below is for the combined Australia…
Read MoreWhat Rob Davidson, Stuart Freeman, Daniel Mundy and other successful recruitment entrepreneurs have in common
Recruiters are faced with a very large number of decisions every day: Who to phone screen, who to interview, who to refer, who to call, who to call back and on it goes. As a result, decision making is an important skill. Yet how often is any recruiter, or leader of recruiters, trained in decision…
Read MoreThe endless questions and dilemmas about consultant commission schemes
Is there such a thing as the ideal commission scheme? Should we have a deficit scheme? If we have a deficit scheme, should we wipe the deficit at the end of the year? How frequently should we pay commission? Should commission be paid based on invoices or cash received? When should commission kick in? Should…
Read MoreRIB Report 2014/15 Review: Temp/contract market surges to record high
Last week I wrote about the Recruitment Industry Benchmarking Report 2014/15 review, in which I analysed the vast drop off in drop that commonly occurs when an agency moves from less than 10 staff to 11 to 20 employees. This week I am returning to the same document to have a closer look at…
Read MoreThe predictable agency profit killer: ill-considered growth beyond 10 staff
The Recruitment Industry Benchmarking Report that Nigel Harse and Deb Charman compile each month is an invaluable resource for all its 126 subscribers across Australia and New Zealand. Of special interest to industry observers and pundits, like me, is the aggregated data released annually, and what this reveals about the effectiveness and productivity of our…
Read MoreThe 10 major indirect costs of tolerating monkey business
There’s nothing wrong with monkey business (for those of you late to the scene, I suggest you familiarise yourself with my two most recent blogs on monkey business Money Business: Choose YES or NO and Sending resumes to match emailed job specs is a job for a monkey to avoid boring the majority of readers with repeat explanations). Having…
Read MoreMonkey Business: Choose YES or NO
Yes, I’m still on about monkeys. Last week’s article ‘Sending resumes to match emailed job specs is a job for a monkey’ drew a very spirited response from readers with a string of public comments on LinkedIn in addition to a steady stream of emails from owners. The common theme was that agency owners…
Read MoreSending resumes to match emailed job specs is a job for a monkey
Have you ever had a job spec emailed to you with an accompanying email message along the lines of ‘can you have a look on your database and send me across any suitable resumes’? I suspect all of us, at some stage in our lives as an agency (or even internal) recruiter, has had this…
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